Specializing in security and privacy solutions for the everyday PC user and business, Spytech Software and Design, Inc. was founded in 1998. Spytech takes pride in delivering award winning software solutions and services to its customers.

Spytech, Inc. has been an active solutions provider since 1998. Since then Spytech's flagship product, SpyAgent, has grown to be one of the most widely used monitoring solutions in the world. SpyAgent's success has led to the development of a host of monitoring solutions tailored for specific user environments - from corporate networks to homes.

Our Mission ...
Spytech, Inc. has the sole mission of putting customer's minds to rest over the concern of their PC's security, safety, and usage environment. By providing solid, award winning solutions, Spytech has been able to create a family of software that allows users to know how their PC is being used and when it is being used; as well as allowing users to store and secure their data from prying eyes. Whether from a pesky intruder or unknowing child, Spytech is protecting its clients' safety, privacy, and security.


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